JConcepts Finnishers for Kyosho MP9 and Associated RC8.2
The first Finnisher bodies were used at Vaasa, Finland when the IFMAR World Championships took place. JConcepts has increased that range and there are now two more models designed specifically for 1:8 buggy racing. The new MP9 and RC8.2 Finnisher bodies are a drop fit for the popular vehicles. With the evolution of race tracks, complicated circuits combining more aggressive jumps and extremely high-speed corners, JConcepts incorporated many features which provide several benefits in the most critical situations – increased windshield angle provides a steady force upfront during mid-flight wind gusts on large jumps. Forward cab placement changes performance/visible bias which helps steering rotation in low traction corners. The side-pods have a strong and chiseled look, including a recessed area in the rear which allows another option for air-escape. The chassis side-guard to body fit has been tightened up which helps eliminate large empty voids that contribute to mid-flight directional changes. The area behind the cab has been greatly lowered exposing more of the engine heat-sink allowing more heat-escape. The V-stepped feature which is a highlighted styling cue of the Finnisher buggy bodies has been incorporated toward the rear and allows an additional area that can be trimmed to allow air-flow through the body.
#0229 JConcepts Illuzion Kyosho MP9 Finnisher body
#0230 JConcepts Illuzion Associated RC8.2 Finnisher body
Source: JConcepts